Thursday, August 20, 2009

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I miss you

I dont want to complain,I only want to be next on his side. I just wanna merit with him. I want there's a way for me and him. I'm lonelly to be alone. I just want my father allow me to choose him. I can't stand anymore. I really miss,at this noon.everyday. it's love. I just want he understand and receive him. Coz I'm suffer without him. God,how i miss him. God,help me

Friday, January 30, 2009

Thursday, January 29, 2009







Sunday, January 25, 2009

An a sucses blogger

This is the situation meet one of indonesian famous blogger,radit Citraland,yestreday noon.he's very funny. Make crowded smile. Bright my mind.very smart.a long time ago,he's blogger,his blog be famous,and he made a book,take from his blog.he inspire me. I wanna be like him too, i want made a book take from a lot of writing i had made.hope that will be someday.amen.

Old banten grave

This is the picture at old banten.there's a grave,sultan maulana hasanudin.which always visited by a lot of people.very crowded.espesially at the season go to Meca,almost banten people go here so they can go home safetly.but there's a little uncomportable go here because a lot of children want money.if we give one children,another lot of children want it,so we should bring a little money,if want to go here.they will follow us until we give at this picture.

Monday, January 5, 2009

the old Man

Gibbosity body,
not because of your age
Hair turn, also not by age,
but suffered a responsibility
you have to do tomorrow
is envisaged stark darkness Fees
life more heavy
heart to see fruit crumble heart
contemporary corn
While you have the burden of the old
All have in your shoulder
Therefore, The body suffered food ripen on the vine

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Sunday, January 4, 2009

Multi LeveL Marketing

This is the situation on Multi LeveL Marketing(MLM) I'm following.I'M So intresting to MLM,that's why I ever follow more than 3 MLM,before I follow now on MLM.from four MLM,only now on MLM,I've got a grow up. I had recrut a member, I've got bonus,and gift. Truely every MLM is benefit,but maybe at the time I Follow MLM,the person who bring me not proactive,suddenly I'm stuck.Doesn't know what should I I do. it's different like MLM,I'm following now on.She's proactive.and always keep contact.She build a good relation with me,very kind to me.and there when I need her help. I guess that is the key for sucsses on MLM.Beside that she had succed too,so motivation me to be like her. Motivation,is another key for succed. Like me,my motivation to succed on this MLM, is because this MLM,give bonus to travel around the world. That's is my motivation, Travel around the world.

Saturday, January 3, 2009


A life I never catch the aura of evil someone the first time unless I know it. Mba sry, that's the name. Around the age of forty years. Beautiful face even though there is an impression of needle Silicon face and a sharp nose. white skin. Hair black and wavy. Slim body. But the wrinkles in his neck and black spots on his face can not afford to cover them too.
I know that a month ago when I first worked as a waitress in a bar place to work now. At the time the night. Floors one singinghall place close to work earlier than the discotheque on the second floor and check in on the third floor. Fourth floor is for the messafor the Mess I met with her for the first time. At that time she is washing clothes. She was friendly to greet me. Her sweet smile, but is one I read by an evil aura to.I can not sleep until morning comes. I fear she will do something bad pitch my face. However, fortunately there is no interference least until the morning. The next day I get the impression she was not evil like that I think. Se evidence he made coffee for a glass. Although I am afraid to drink. Therefore, when he entered into the I rush them in glass washing westafel ago with its fast
When I finished washing glass sudden she's there just in behind. My heart almost dislodged therefore. "Where in the waste?" Get it. Her face is the expression of anger. "Mbak not," my voice is not heard nearly as surprised. "Do not prevaricate!" She said. I still can not afford to say anything.for redeem my mistake I approached her. Although ahe was still angry on me. Ske is like a chat. More precisely yalk the others. I have not yet know the names of people who work in my place but I remain so for a good listener.
* * *
When I first met her I thought it was a par Mamih the bar girl, who accompany women to drink even sleep. But I was mistaken dhe also a bar girl.I overlook when viewing with the first full makeup. She was wearing a black tank top in contrast with a white skin. Tight jeans pants and high-heeled shoes into. Plus make-up set off a face like an artist make or model of the capital.
I often hear that many women who use the night to entice male pin as possible. I think she also use. Because it looks lustrous than women in the younger.Maybe also because of rituals that often on every Friday night. Usually she prepares sajen. There is a glass coffee, a cigarette packet, a cake plate apem seven and flower shapes. He sat facing sajen the mouth, either muttering to read what.
Every time there is a quarrel with her understand how much time ago and somehow the person who got into his opponents such as handphone lost; sick, fell from the motorcycle, decided girlfriend and others even though such things can happen to anyone and she will say that due to people looking for trouble with it. "Already I say, whoever that cruel to me they will be replies." So she always inhabited.
Mess eight people. Among our eight mbak Sri are the oldest as well as living in the mess. No wonder if he more powerful than us all. If the work is complete we have a call, she just told us to receive it in the kitchen while she received a telephone in her own bed never in the kitchen with accents that made its fed.She told anyone who is in his desire to sweep, swab and floor the trash to the floor. She herself never tasks is convincing, but he confirmed that we have to do it, and usually when we do not have the mess.
If we finish work and ride up to find she's sleeping, we should not set the lights on even though only a glance especially when chatting in the kitchen despite the slow sizable distance away from the bedroom. But when he rose in the tightness, while we are sleeping she will set the lights and speak their own without that prohibits it. She will be angry if be gazed.
She was mean to read the mind of each. And nothing can lie to her. From the stories that I have been heard, I concluded that she was often hurt by a man, gullible and in disapointed. From bitter experience that it be more vigilant and observe each of the various situations in which it met. Observations continue to make it more clever mind reading each human.In front-to six other friends that she be very good, but behind them she vilify them all. Likewise for me, in front, but she praised me on the behind, she remains ill of me. When I am most familiar, most good relationship with me
She is smart. Do what the say is always making peeved. If it is so I usually foreverglo with to-six other friends. Turns told us weto her hatred. And that we do not have a place in our work because she always have to listen to the way we talk. She always appears suddenly as ghost.Not only six of we, who just do not like her, but almost all the workers who live the a long time ago. they feel the same as we feel now. We Had a plans to suggestion that removing her from the bar to the owner from the mess, but after-thought be thought we were not also have the heart. Although we discuss secretly, but she knows it. As a result, she is very angry. That's She is always knows anything.
Mbak Sri ike every human being has the good and evil as well as me. Contemporary life, but I did not catch the aura of evil people that first time I know, except Mbak Sri
* * *


Tuesday night is the night so grave workers discotheque Nindya normal call. Because there is usually only one to two visitors who occupy tables and discotheques Nindya.diskotik Nindya's hall is located on the second floor. Ground floor is singing hall, show live music in a single organs. Meanwhile, the floor is two rooms for check-in. Tariff room, sixty thousand per hour. And one hundred thousand to a bar girl in a call to sleep. On the ground floor there are five waitres. Five in the top floor. In addition, there is light girl who plays the lamp. In addition young and beautiful lighting is usually smart rock erotis.Susan interest in the cigarettes it. Very cold air feels because at least people in it. In it there Heni, siska, Ana, and Nurlela. It is five to waitres long. Less than ten years they worked in Nindya. Waitres down waitres entirely new young-young.
Wamdi the Dj appears headed. Among the three visitors who fill the tables. In addition there is not a joget also no one who gave money. While it is the song that plays good-Never, songs that most visitors in the requested recently ini.Meanwhile Mba Berkeley, that some are skinny and calculate the bill in the new pay Nurlela. Twenty minutes before two o’clock. Usually, if quiet case, the owner Nindya, Mr. Hendra, which is located in the floor of the four monitoring via CCTV instructed to close the Nindya.When, Wandi the Dj say "Ok this is the last song," Susan is located on the floor three to four floors to her usual place sleep every night until six o'clock the morning before she finally returned to her home.
Arriving in four floors. She saw Rini, Desi, Sandra, Tina, Shery, Siska, and Dian have been asleep. It seems they have been up an hour ago. They sleep on the floor, be based foam mattress that has been thin. Four mattress near my one. Then, to his sleeping seven to crush learner. In the open space without curtains cover the lesson. Only Mba Laras are separate sleeping in her own mattress. Mba Laras longest in the seven-between to her. In his most cryptic, who most power. He ruled their regular sweeps and swab the room where they sleep.
Susan walk straight back. Towards the only four rooms on the floor. Floors four sizable population. There are office space Mr Hendra, the room where the bar girl bed, bathroom, kitchen, warehouse, a regular sleeping rooms Susan and sunbathe an.Kamar sized 3x3 it feels very comfortable after the arrest drowsiness awaits visitors. He immediately after the crash into the body lock door.Susan It is almost sleep when the doors open from the outside. Entrance is Andi. Replacing pants with shorts. Then open the clothes to sleep in it. Fight back and reverse from the body. Andi is in the top of the body. Kissed her lips. Fishing excite her. Making his drowsiness disappeared switch passions that explode. Her passion rise.after the struggle over. She was rushing to the bathroom to clean herself.
When back from the bathroom, he found Andi is asleep. He also lie down on the side of Andi. The body feels very weary after work and making love.
* * *
Susan awake six hours. His body when he seems to be going up not care howa tired she is.Maybe tired because it has become the activities each day, so her mind and brain work as an alarm for her.Andi still sleeping. Usually he got up and eight hours to clean discotheque on the second floor. Collecting cans recycled soft-drink cans, beer bottles and used water mineral.after many sell it. That additional income from his job as a cleaning service in the salaries of eight hundred thousand rupiah. His Salariesis higher rather then most waitres appeal, and lighting.
Andi is a pity and I trust Mr Hendra. He has to follow since Hendra pack age of sixteen years until age now thirty two years. From it still teenagers, up to now have three children. Wives and children living in Java. One month to go home once he go jome meet them all.After Susan walk pass the bar girl, who is still asleep. Susan continues to come down. Arriving at the second floor, She set the lights bathroom and washing the face in westapel. With the small towel that is always there in her bag dust face. Once the comb her hair long and dense. Spread and lipstick on the lips to-black was because most smoking.
Susan Jawo mature skin. Solid body contains. After binding his hair off the lights and open the door lock with a discotheque in his possession. Disco appear disorganized and quiet. Arriving at the gate to open it and do not forget to lock it again from the outside. Down the stairs to the ground floor and open the door Rolling back the ground floor when Interestingly are.srreet still quiet when she stop the mikrolet. Thirty minutes of time that is needed to arrive at the house .Arive in her house she found her husband waem up the motorcycle to transport their two children to school in elementary school.
* * *

Thursday, January 1, 2009


High stars in the sky
friend decorate the beautiful full moon
night of my full perspective of my spare
beauty fascinated radiated a store
in my heart my store basis
in the illusion I fly to reach the stars
Reaching the moon,
I save it in the room
quiet day my illusions intact
after I Star return to
the Moon space
there is no fixed high pitch not achieve
* * *


Street children sweep,
sweep you off,
Since the morning of grief come and greet
It brought all that you have,
only the memories and tears left Self,
now you must Day-to-day stretch that is still a long
Avoiding reality
And sincerity is Looking for long struggle
Must be that you skip
As it is not digested
by the pitch you
about the second hundred of thousands
of lives go immediately,
but it is power,
Is owned by God
In order to remind us
As it is my hope to shake
Although quiet and your own life now
* * *

New World

Bring in the green and rate
your new world you've found
the World meet in the beautiful butterfly
and fragrant flowers
Bring your smile and
stay a little time your childrenhood
you will go in a new world
* * *

Center younger sister

We was born from the same womb
to the world the same fate,
but we throw in the parting-is space
in the east-west
I find our minds since the time off run
you with your stories own record in the region
I am here with my father, mother,
younger brothers and sisters
until the day old stories
we only count fingers meet
in the east and west so much death and the distance
to pick up my younger sister of men
that you go precedes
sweeten my house we live in reveal a witness's
brothers have my pan coastal fate
that we explore as a young girl
now I women dusk through the beach
a self no longer to shake
out of life now is
only like this for us as a sisters How
* * *

job vacancy

There are four job with a different type of job. To-four job is sales, guard cafe, shop keepers and cake waitress. Although different types of job but four of that have one similarity that provides the mess or residence.
Residence, is the most I need at this time. I come from my village yesterday morning with the money of one hundred fifty thousand. Meanwhile, in Jakarta kost most inexpensive three hundred thousand. Therefore, I am interested in the job to four-and if it can work, given that directly minimize my money. When I took to my friends house. She live with his boy friends. Just one night stay only, I’m not able to provide my second night spend with them. I intimacy with the loss of they show off .Maybe also jealous. Nothing.
Six hours of the morning when my friends and his boy friends still sleeping soundly I have been ready to apply for work. My planning directly approach the four-ake the job. Therefore I must leave in the morning that can reach to-four-ake at once.
I call first step job as a guard on. Asks with a clear location, the standard-fixed and the car to reach it. Fortuitously located close to the job as a sales. So I can go to a second location without having to spin.
Two hours later I find the location. But I was disappointed because the only file applications to leave alone. No interviews, as I expect. It seems there is no hope to be accepted. So I take back my application letters with less than full reason.
I again find wartel. this job as a sales call. But again, I'm disappointed because it made applications must be accompanied by real certificate. Meanwhile, I do not take it. Just a copy.
Now there are two options, cake keepers in Mangga dua and waitress at Grogol. Two years ago I was working in Jakarta, a little bit knows roads in Jakarta.
I took some time to play Ciputra Mall and the job as a waitress mention the location in the back of Ciputra Mall is not difficult to find it. besides is written directly working temporarily . While in Manggga dua I do not know the location of where. And not necessarily work directly. Given the low money so I decide to go to Grogol direct the work.
When I call, answering by male voice with a thick Javanese dialect. He told me to came at seven hours a night now that a new two-hour lunch is still much time to rest. Subscribe to start hunger because I can not imagine looking for food.
In addition to Ciputra Mall near the campus of the State Taruma Negara there’s food seller farrago. After the spin read the names of food my choice eventually fall in the hodgepodge and a bottle of cold beverages.
After the meal I decided to wait time at the bookstore located Gramedia the floor in five Ciputra Mall. I read many books meki not to complete. Starting from novels, magazines, tabloids and gossip.
I am happy to read and leave Gramedia bookstore. When it is six hours of the afternoongo out from Ciputra mall is a crossroad. I choose the path that passed in the busway .I asked the traders who lined the road along the road where Daan mogot are, but none who know the location.
I caused to the right back again to the left. Entrance to exit artel ask the location.A recipient of the call this time women. Voice tones are not. It did not help much. Each standard-fixed all, he always replied. "I ask the road Daan Mogot, into the, now among the shophouses that you find the writings Nindya, it is the place," so always answer.
There are blues penetrate my heart. Day started dark, light-lights have been switched people have the move while I want a new start. Loud roar of vehicles. but I feel lonely and alonei Feeling very small and insignificant.
I continue walking and had also asked arise fear. Fear walking alone and a fear of job I do not know what. It feels I just want to go home; to place kost House but not the desire to stay longer in her kost stronger than my fair the work that somehow what.
Finally, there is also know where the roads are Daan Mogot. The man who sale cigarette. I am very grateful tohim. Whole life I never so happy like this time. Stories rise.
Not how far but I find the gate with the Road Daan Mogot. Appropriate instructions recipients move I enter. And carefully supervise the building one by one that I skip.
And there I am. Red light blinking beset Nindya writing. If I was so immediately want to find the time now to find akiu I feel more like the search for them. I remember a saying "Out of the cage into a crocodile nest tiger." As it is myself at this time.
After removing the breathe interesting and in- I’m the entrance. My heart pulse. The atmosphere is quiet. However, there are some women who wear clothes that tank top; are cool preen. I approached the closest. "The list, so I would like to apply waitress," said a woman in the short-haired blonde color. Matanmya fur and long lentik once. In a sharp nose terdapa a earrings.
"Waitress is fully all. Living a bar girl, "commitment. I know his voice as a direct recipient telephone.
"Bar girl?", I really do not know what their jobs and how.
"Yes company guests." She answer want toknow my taste. Whileshe continue to see herself up without see me. " grooming there '" , she says when I’m stood still see confusion.
I’m sitting in the front. The chair as in the aircraft. There are big glass on the wall of each seat. In the glass in the feeble light, ghostly light on Cold face clearly. I have no bath. Let's run the smell of the sun. Even powder seems reluctant inherent in the Face of dust after a full day of mobile Jakarta. Start from my friends kost in the north and east to Jakarta, now I'm in the west.
Not long as the election, there come another woman. She’s Age around thirty years. There prestige of each word, he said. Firmly and hard.
"Your taskcompany guests. Try to ask the drink. Regardless of the type. like beer,and soft drink . We do not Logical salary. You can earn money from each guest that you company. And that you own or as requested by guests. If you can sleep invited the price isa hundred sixty thousand. Sixty thousand for pay the rooms. And one hundre thousand for you. Clean without the discount. Floors two discotheques, if you can not guests here you can get to the second floor. Floors three places in check. And four floors mess.You can live in a mess if you want. Free. It’s all clear, here.
I nodded.
"Ok you received. Let me introduce the same friends you another, ". Whether that will happen on this night. But one that is certainly a job in Jakarta have been filled